Secondary Weapon
This devastating weapon will annihilate almost anything within a certain radius around the projectile. Caution is advised! Manufacturer: Shiva Systems |
Class Restriction {{{classres}}} {{{classres2}}} {{{classres3}}} {{{classres4}}} Hull DPS {{{hulldps}}}/s Shield DPS {{{shielddps}}}/s Hull Damage 1,030 Shield Damage 1,030 Hull Area Damage {{{hullareadmg}}} Shield Area Damage {{{shieldareadmg}}} Fire Rate 0.2/s Energy Consumption {{{energyconweap}}}/s Energy Consumption {{{energycon}}} Damage Per Energy {{{dmgxen}}} Velocity 300m/s Spread {{{spread}}}° Range 3,000m Full Charge Duration {{{fullchdur}}}s Area Damage Range 500m Full Charge Damage Bonus {{{fullchdmgx}}}x Full Charge Add. Projectiles {{{fullchpro}}} Damage Increase +{{{dmginc}}}% Energy Consumption Increase +{{{energyconinc}}}% Energy Allocation {{{energyalloc}}} Hitpoints {{{hp}}} Recharge Rate {{{rechargerate}}}/s Recharge Delay {{{rechargedel}}}s Shutdown Duration {{{shutdowndur}}}s Cooldown Duration {{{cooldur}}}s Cooldown Duration Decrease -{{{cooldurdec}}}% Fire Rate Increase +{{{firerateinc}}}% Energy Consumption Decrease -{{{energycondec}}}% Hitpoints Increase +{{{hpincper}}}% Recharge Rate Increase +{{{rechrateinc}}}% Recharge Delay Decrease -{{{rechdeldec}}}% Shutdown Duration Decrease -{{{shutdowndurdec}}}% Resource Amount {{{resamt}}} Homing {{{homing}}} Effect {{{effect}}} Effect Duration {{{effectdur}}}s Repair Amount {{{repamt}}} Life Time {{{lifetime}}}s Critical Hit Chance Increase +{{{crithitchinc}}}% Velocity Increase +{{{speedinc}}}% Range Increase +{{{rangeinc}}}% Spread Decrease -{{{spreaddec}}}% Effect Duration Increase +{{{effectdurinc}}}% Jump Cooldown Increase +{{{jmpcooldinc}}}% Full Charge Damage Mulitplier {{{fullchdamx}}}x Success Chance {{{succha}}}% Nano Bot Drop Chance {{{nanodrop}}}% Max Stack Size 1 Shield Piercing +{{{shieldpierce}}}% Conversion Percentage {{{convpercent}}}% Conversion Amount {{{convamt}}} Conversion Ratio {{{convratio}}}
Critical Hit Chance {{{crithit}}}% |
Required Resources Nano Bots {{{nanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{venergy}}} Scrap 19 Gel {{{gel}}} Compounds {{{compound}}} Power Cells 3 Processors 2 Crystals {{{crystal}}} Gas {{{gas}}} Ore 12 Plasma {{{plasma}}} Dark Matter 3 Dark Energy 10 |
Obtained Resources Nano Bots {{{salnanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{salvenergy}}} Scrap 4 Gel {{{salgel}}} Compounds {{{salcompound}}} Power Cells {{{salpcell}}} Processors {{{salprocessor}}} Crystals {{{salcrystal}}} Gas {{{salgas}}} Ore 2 Plasma {{{salplasma}}} Dark Matter {{{saldmatter}}} Dark Energy {{{saldenergy}}} |
“ | The ARC-9000. A most sought-after piece of artillery. | „ | |
~ HIVE on the ARC-9000 |
For the ULT in Everspace 2, see Bomber. |
The ARC-9000 is a secondary weapon in Everspace that when fired releases an enormous, slow-moving projectile. This projectile will deal massive, constant damage over time to any enemies within a few hundred meters of the sphere, easily destroying fighters. It also deals extreme damage upon direct impact. However, the player can be severely damaged by the explosion as well if flying too close to it. Highly effective against any target(s), and is limited only by its rarity, single shot per secondary slot, and high crafting cost.
Tips and Tricks[ | ]
- Comes equipped in the Colonial Gunship's B loadout.
- Tareen needs one ARC-9000 for his seventh task.
Trivia[ | ]
- According to Tareen, "Shiva Systems temporarily ceased production of the ARC-9000 because of unresolved accusations from an ethics committee," but production was continued sometime later.
- This weapon is likely a reference to the BFG-9000 from Doom.
Gallery[ | ]
An ARC-9000 as it's fired at an Okkar Corvette, damaging several other ships nearby.