Everspace Wiki

Elek in Everspace 2

Characters-Elek-Icon I am Elek, mighty Outlaw.
~ Elek  introducing himself to Adam

Elek is a Horag and is an independent denizen of the DMZ. He appears in both Everspace and Everspace 2. He has married at least five times and supposedly has 26 or more children (with names based on his own, including Evek, Erek, Emek, Edek, Efek, Epek, and Ezek).

Everspace 2[]


Outlaw - The Coalition
Birth Year:
Medium Fighter-Class
Operating in the DMZ
Voice Actor (English):
Ralph Fellows
Voice Actor (German):
Till Huster

In Everspace, Elek is a high-ranking Outlaw operating in the Coalition, a major clan in the Demilitarized Zone. He was rescued by the Coalition from being sold as a pet on the black market, and has since climbed its ranks (with help from Hero). By the end of his questline, he is a councilor, overseeing raids on hostile clans.

Codex Entry

"Elek" is the name of a male Horag Outlaw operating in the DMZ. Nothing is known of his exact origins, but it is believed that due to his small stature and fury appearance, he was captured and listed on the black market as an exotic pet before being freed by Outlaw raiders. He has since become extremely loyal to the clan which rescued him, the Coalition, and has rapidly ascended its ranks. The list of crimes attributed to the Coalition is ever-growing, although Elek seems to be more involved in strategic planning of operations and rarely gets involved directly in firefights himself. Since joining the clan, Elek has married five times and now has a sizeable brood which he is raising to follow in his footsteps.


After encountering him for the first time, Elek sequentially gives the player five tasks to assist him with, all with the goal of helping the Coalition grow. Completing all tasks permanently unlocks a chance for Elek and Coalition outlaws to jump in to help the player with combat and the rest of the current zone. {
