Fusion Blaster M6-A
Primary Weapon
Because of its relatively low range and speed this blaster is best used in close combat. The weapon's synchronized fusion particles deplete common energy shields very fast. More damage but lower range than its little brother. Manufacturer: Federal Arms & Crafts |
Class Restriction Interceptor Gunship {{{classres3}}} {{{classres4}}} Hull DPS 83.33/s Shield DPS 133.33/s Hull Damage 25 Shield Damage 40 Hull Area Damage {{{hullareadmg}}} Shield Area Damage {{{shieldareadmg}}} Fire Rate 3.3/s Energy Consumption 7.33/s Energy Consumption {{{energycon}}} Damage Per Energy {{{dmgxen}}} Velocity 650m/s Spread 1.5° Range 700m Full Charge Duration {{{fullchdur}}}s Area Damage Range {{{areadmgrange}}}m Full Charge Damage Bonus {{{fullchdmgx}}}x Full Charge Add. Projectiles {{{fullchpro}}} Damage Increase +{{{dmginc}}}% Energy Consumption Increase +{{{energyconinc}}}% Energy Allocation {{{energyalloc}}} Hitpoints {{{hp}}} Recharge Rate {{{rechargerate}}}/s Recharge Delay {{{rechargedel}}}s Shutdown Duration {{{shutdowndur}}}s Cooldown Duration {{{cooldur}}}s Cooldown Duration Decrease -{{{cooldurdec}}}% Fire Rate Increase +{{{firerateinc}}}% Energy Consumption Decrease -{{{energycondec}}}% Hitpoints Increase +{{{hpincper}}}% Recharge Rate Increase +{{{rechrateinc}}}% Recharge Delay Decrease -{{{rechdeldec}}}% Shutdown Duration Decrease -{{{shutdowndurdec}}}% Resource Amount {{{resamt}}} Homing {{{homing}}} Effect {{{effect}}} Effect Duration {{{effectdur}}}s Repair Amount {{{repamt}}} Life Time {{{lifetime}}}s Critical Hit Chance Increase +{{{crithitchinc}}}% Velocity Increase +{{{speedinc}}}% Range Increase +{{{rangeinc}}}% Spread Decrease -{{{spreaddec}}}% Effect Duration Increase +{{{effectdurinc}}}% Jump Cooldown Increase +{{{jmpcooldinc}}}% Full Charge Damage Mulitplier {{{fullchdamx}}}x Success Chance {{{succha}}}% Nano Bot Drop Chance {{{nanodrop}}}% Max Stack Size {{{slotmax}}} Shield Piercing +{{{shieldpierce}}}% Conversion Percentage {{{convpercent}}}% Conversion Amount {{{convamt}}} Conversion Ratio {{{convratio}}}
Critical Hit Chance {{{crithit}}}% |
Required Resources Nano Bots {{{nanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{venergy}}} Scrap 66 Gel {{{gel}}} Compounds {{{compound}}} Power Cells {{{pcell}}} Processors 8 Crystals {{{crystal}}} Gas {{{gas}}} Ore 39 Plasma {{{plasma}}} Dark Matter 3 Dark Energy 6 |
Obtained Resources Nano Bots {{{salnanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{salvenergy}}} Scrap 13 Gel {{{salgel}}} Compounds {{{salcompound}}} Power Cells {{{salpcell}}} Processors {{{salprocessor}}} Crystals {{{salcrystal}}} Gas {{{salgas}}} Ore 8 Plasma {{{salplasma}}} Dark Matter {{{saldmatter}}} Dark Energy {{{saldenergy}}} |
For the Everspace 2 variant, see Blaster (ES2). |
The Fusion Blaster M6-A is a primary weapon in Everspace that fires small energy spheres. A variant of the Fusion Blaster, this weapon features increased damage output at the expense of range, projectile velocity, and rate of fire.