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The Heads-up display or HUD in Everspace 2 provides the player with important information about their ship, character, and equipment.

Standard[ | ]


The standard HUD in a location (keyboard & mouse variant)

This is the HUD while outside of a station. Besides the anchored HUD elements listed below, points of interest and loot will also show up on your 'radar' as icons that show up in the screen or on the edges if they are off screen.

Fixed Elements[ | ]

Top Left:

  • A small banner over the corner showing the current state and version of the game. This has been removed as of the 1.0 Launch, but it will be present in any older screenshots.
  • ULT status. If it is completely yellow and glowing and a keybinding reminder is being displayed, that means it is fully charged. Otherwise, it will be a split between yellow/gray depending on the charge percentage.
  • Three health bars showing shield (blue), armor (orange), and hull (red) hitpoints (from top to bottom).
    • While flying a Vindicator, drone health and status is displayed as a row of circles underneath the hull bar.
    • While flying a Vanguard, bonus shield from Overcharge is shown on top of base shield as a light blue bar.
    • While suffering from at least one stack of Radiated, lost maximum hull is shown as a slashed region on the right end of the hull bar.
  • Yellow square icons for disabled headlights and inertia dampeners (ES2-Icon-InertialDampenerToggle)
  • Mission/challenge tracker with objectives for the current location. Only appears if a challenge is being tracked or if a mission, job, or location challenge can be progressed at (or by leaving) the current location.

Top Center:

  • Conditions will show up here - buffs (green), debuffs (red), and equipment conditions (yellow).
  • Combat status lines (top and bottom center). If the player is in combat, within 2 km of any enemy, or inside a High-risk Area or Ancient Rift, these lines will turn red; otherwise, they will remain a faint gray.
  • Reserved for several other temporary or context-sensitive elements:
    • Battle status display with faction and morale indicators. Only appears while a battle is taking place, typically as part of a job or supralight event.
    • Hazard warning display. Only appears while wandering near a location's boundary, taking heat damage from the environment, or going to hull-crushing depths.
    • Tutorial, mission completion, and level-up notifications
    • Location name pop-ups (only during initial entry)
    • Station docking prompts
    • Boss health bar(s)

Top Right:

  • Current amount of experience, Level, and progress to the next.
  • Context-sensitive keybinding reminders for Cruise Drive and Jump Drive, appearing dynamically based on the space available for engaging these travel modes.
  • Loot and game state ticker showing what the player has collected recently, when the game has saved, and when lights and inertia dampeners are toggled on or off.
  • Advanced objective status display with one or more progress bars. Typically appears while wanted, affected by jump suppressors, performing certain mission or job objectives, or engaging enemies within a high-risk area or Ancient rift.
  • Credits balance. Only displays when the balance changes (usually by picking up credits).


  • Targeting reticule with a specific shape based on the active primary weapon.
    • While preparing to enter supralight, the weapon reticule is overridden by a twin semicircle reticule.
  • Orientation lines indicating the local horizontal plane. Only visible if they are enabled in the settings.
  • On the left of the reticule is a blue bar indicating the status of the ship's boost energy. When full, the bar will be dimmed.
  • On the right of the reticule is a white bar indicating the status of the active primary weapon's energy pool. When full, the bar will be dimmed.
    • While flying a Bomber, a smaller white bar is also displayed which indicates the status of the active secondary weapon's energy pool.

Bottom Left:

  • Equipped primary weapons, how many you have and could have (filled dots at the bottom for filled slots, hollow dots for empty slots), and their rarity (dot and border color). Switching weapons will also briefly show the selected weapon's name, base DPS, and default range.
  • Equipped devices (default keys 1,2,3,4), arranged in a row or cross pattern depending on whether the current input device's controls map each device slot individually or employ a Use devices modifier instead.
    • Devices on cooldown will have a gray overlay corresponding with a timer on the icon.
    • Devices with more than one charge will show available charges as yellow squares and depleted charges as gray squares.
    • Devices that can't be used (like the Annihilator Virus that needs a target) will be dimmed with a red icon representing the reason for being disabled (e.g. a crosshair if the player needs to lock a target first or a radar icon if the target is out of range).

Bottom Center:

  • Reserved for dialogue boxes, signal decoding notices, cosmetic unlocks, and other box-style notifications.

Bottom Right:

  • Equipped consumables (default keys 5,6,7,8), arranged in a row or cross pattern depending on whether the current input device's controls map each consumable slot individually or employ a Use consumables modifier instead.
    • The icon shows what they are and there will be a number showing how many you have left (bottom right of icon).
    • Consumables undergoing an activation delay will have a gray overlay corresponding with a timer on the icon.
  • Equipped secondary weapons. Has the same UI elements as the primary weapons to the left, but shows damage instead of DPS. Will show the active weapon's current ammo and ammo capacity.
    • Ammo counts are not displayed on secondary weapon icons while flying a Bomber.
    • Secondary weapons undergoing an activation delay or refire delay longer than 1 second will have a gray overlay corresponding with a timer on the icon.

Dynamic Elements[ | ]

HUD elements of this type are associated with specific world entities; as a result, their positions on-screen depend on where the in-game camera is pointing relative to the tracked entities.

  • Off-screen enemy indicator arrows (single arrows for tagged enemies, double arrow ES2-Icon-CurrentLock for the player's locked target)
    • Off-screen enemies afflicted with certain conditions (such as EMP) gain blue dots next to their off-screen indicator arrows.
  • Class/type indicators (light fighter, heavy fighter, freighter, etc.) for on-screen tagged enemies which are neither locked nor being hovered over, color-coded based on hostility status (red for hostile, green for allied, gray for neutral, and yellow for neutral law enforcement).
    • Fighters: ES2-Icon-Fighter
    • Freighters: ES2-Icon-CargoShip
    • Cruisers: ES2-Icon-Cruiser
    • Capital Ships: ES2-Icon-CapitalShip
    • Bosses: ES2-Icon-Boss
    • Elite/Mk. 2 Elite: ES2-Icon-EliteSkull / ES2-Icon-EliteSkull2
    • Creatures: ES2-Icon-Creature
    • Drones: CombatES2-Icon-Drone, Anti-MissileES2-Icon-Drone-AntiMissile, ArmorES2-Icon-Drone-Armor, CargoES2-Icon-Drone-Cargo, DetonatorES2-Icon-Drone-Detonator, HeaterES2-Icon-Drone-Heater, ShieldES2-Icon-Drone-Shield, SniperES2-Icon-Drone-Sniper, SuppressorES2-Icon-Drone-Suppressor, WebberES2-Icon-Drone-Webber
    • Turrets: ES2-Icon-Turret
  • Enemy details on lock/hover:
    • Enemy level, class/type indicator and elite status
    • Hostility status (left-hand vertical line) and over/under-leveled status (purple, gray, or color-coded boxes)
    • Name and distance from player
    • Current conditions (buffs and debuffs). Condition names are briefly shown on initial application and when a new target is locked.
    • Current hull, armor and shield hitpoints, with hull hitpoints color-coded based on hostile/friendly status
    • Secondary weapon lock-on status and primary weapon aim leader
  • Object details on hover (name, distance from player, and current health/conditions)
  • Hexagonal indicators for stations, jump gates, and other major points of interest
    • Generic hangars / landing pads that can be docked at: ES2-Icon-Hangar / ES2-Icon-LandingPad
    • Homebase: ES2-Icon-Homebase
    • Jump gates: ES2-Icon-Jumpgate
    • Ramen shops: ES2-Icon-RamenShop
    • Ship dealer: ES2-Icon-ShipDealer
    • Station shop: ES2-Icon-StationShop
    • Spatial bypasses: ES2-Icon-SpatialBypass
  • Diamond indicators for locations of relevance to tracked missions or which have been manually marked on the star map ES2-Icon-Location
  • Circular indicators for tagged resource deposits, items, item containers, puzzle elements, and other minor points of interest. Points of interest which are hidden behind terrain indicate this with a dashed border.
    • Batteries / Battery Sockets: ES2-Icon-Battery / ES2-Icon-BatterySocket
    • Explosive Charges / Sockets: ES2-Icon-ExplosiveCharge / ES2-Icon-ExplosiveChargeSocket
    • Power Cores / Sockets: ES2-Icon-PowerCore / ES2-Icon-PowerSocket
    • Ancient Runes / Sockets: ES2-Icon-Rune / ES2-Icon-RuneSocket
    • Containers, Secured Containers: ES2-Icon-Container,ES2-Icon-SecuredContainer
    • Resource deposits, mining elements: ES2-Icon-ResourceDepositES2-Icon-Mining
    • Shield Generators: ES2-Icon-ShieldGenerator
    • Wrecks: ES2-Icon-Wreck
    • Mission-related waypoints: ES2-Icon-Waypoint ES2-Icon-NavBeacon
    • Miscellaneous points of interests and interactables, such as ancient lenses: ES2-Icon-Fallback
  • Item indicators have type-specific icons and are color-coded based on their rarity.
    • Blueprints: ES2-Icon-Pickup-Blueprint
    • Mission items: ES2-Icon-Pickup-MissionItem
    • Modules: ES2-Icon-Pickup-Module
    • Resources: ES2-Icon-Pickup-Resource
    • Ship customization modules: ES2-Icon-Pickup-ShipModule
    • Weapons: ES2-Icon-Pickup-Weapon
    • Misc. items: ES2-Icon-Item
  • Context-dependent dynamic elements:
    • Orange highlight of on-screen environmental objects which need to be destroyed for a mission, location challenge, or puzzle. When close enough, also marked with a crosshair icon: ES2-Icon-Destroyable
    • Radio indicator for the source of a transmission. Only appears when an enemy in the current location is talking.
    • Object/item interaction prompts ES2-Icon-Interactable
    • Hostile missile warnings, shown as triangular brackets around incoming missiles ES2-Icon-MissileTriangle, or a red T shape when off screen.
    • Ancient Rift entrances: ES2-Icon-Rift

Cockpit[ | ]


The cockpit HUD of a medium fighter

A number of fixed HUD elements in the first-person cockpit view are built into the cockpit's model. There are multiple cockpit designs based on the player ship's weight class --- the following arrangement is applicable for medium fighters (Sentinels, Strikers, and Interceptors).

Left Panel:

  • Equipped devices
  • Equipped primary weapons (with kinetic/energy DPS and weapon energy level)

Center Panel:

  • Shield, Armor, and Hull health bars
  • Speedometer (unique to cockpit view), boost energy level (blue ring around speedometer) and ULT status.
    • Speeds on the speedometer are given in units of kilometers per hour (km/h).

Right Panel:

  • Equipped consumables
  • Equipped secondary weapons (with kinetic/energy damage and ammo/weapon energy level)

Options[ | ]

These settings allow customization of the HUD:

  • Most HUD elements seen in the standard HUD can be toggled off while in the cockpit view.
  • All HUD elements can be toggled off, with the H key by default on PC.
