Everspace Wiki

Mission items are a type of resource in Everspace 2 that are primarily unique, one-of-a-kind items used only for various missions.

The follow table will list them in the order the source missions are gained at.

List of Mission items[ | ]

Icon Name Rarity Description Mission
ES2-Icon-PrimesenseSTA Primesense STA Uncommon A very affordable scanning unit to be used in communication modules of smaller stations or outposts. In Transit
ES2-Icon-ViridianPaint Viridian Paint Rare A small dose of ground Viridium makes this ship paint both highly volatile and illegal. Comes in glossy or matte. The Good, the Bad, and the Decent
ES2-Icon-SealedContainer Sealed Container Common A large container with an advanced locking mechanism, commonly used for transporting all kinds of goods. Various jobs
ES2-Icon-HIVEUnit HIVE Unit Superior A military HIVE unit. It has definitely seen better days... Ceto Ghost Hunt
ES2-Icon-DroneDebris Drone Debris Common Parts taken from a wrecked "Mockkar" drone. Tipping the Scales
ES2-Icon-FragileParcel Fragile Parcel Rare A parcel addressed to the DMZ Research Station at Prescott Starbase. A Customs-Made Error
ES2-Icon-VaultworthyList Vaultworthy List Common A strange list with lots of numbers. Could be coordinates. Vaultworthy
ES2-Icon-HydraSample Hydra Sample Rare Moist, squishy and sponge-y... a texture only a (Ceto) researcher can love. Twin Stations
ES2-Icon-CephasCabernetSauvignon Cephas Cabernet Sauvignon Rare Multiple bottles of dubious plonk. A letter addressed to Marie de Windt is attached to them. Old Friends (earliest possible acquisition)
ES2-Icon-RedPlasmaGin Red Plasma Gin Rare A beverage so volatile, simply clinking glasses with it is punishable by death in some quadrants. Running the Wheel
ES2-Icon-MaterialEncryptor Data Archive Rare Tens of years worth of historical accounts regarding Bloodstar's founding, development, and decline. A bittersweet report. Gathering Dust
ES2-Icon-FragileParcel Delia's Belongings Common A synthetic cardboard box with a handwritten name on it... Is this what the homeworldians call "vintage"? Into the Forest
ES2-Icon-VaultworthyList Access Codes Superior A bunch of access codes that give access to the Zharkov Border Control delivery system. 5 Stops Away
ES2-Icon-MaterialEncryptor Material Encryptor Superior Throughout the galaxy there are countless devices used to scan a ship for contraband, but only one that can override them all. Smoke and Mirrors
ES2-Icon-AncientArtifact Ancient Artifact Legendary Even from your cockpit you can feel its presence on your ship... as if someone was sitting behind you, breathing silently down your neck. Smoke and Mirrors
ES2-Icon-MaterialEncryptor Elite Fighter Signature Rare The pilot ID of another (nastier) clone version of yourself. The Vortex
ES2-Icon-MaterialEncryptor Stabilizer Superior According to Fallon Pango, this module is capable of withstanding any kind of disruptive frequency. The Parasite
ES2-Icon-SpatialBypassComponent-A Spatial Bypass Component Superior Strangely advanced yet also dated piece of otherworldly technology. Picking Up the Pieces
ES2-Icon-ExorcistMissiles Exorcist Missiles Superior Custom-made homing missiles that release the pilot of the dark energy's influence. Long lock time due to on-the-fly generation of matching antidote for scaned target. Detoxification
ES2-Icon-SpatialBypassCube Spatial Bypass Cube Superior Bizarre apparatus that sets points in space to generate a Translocation Fold connection. The Emissary