Palaemon's Wound is a site in the Shattered Planetoid region of the Ceto system in Everspace 2. This location is in orbit around the planet Palaemon, which was devastatingly blown open during the war between the Colonials and the Okkar. It is an Outlaw stronghold with very high enemy activity at several bases with strong defenses. It is the penultimate location in the Ceto Ghost Hunt mission. The largest base has the disruptor. Also part of the Gathering Dustside mission.
Located near the asteroid with the small base, further to left (view Picture above). Inside the asteroid behind a destructible wall. Should have a visible glow visible from away.
Valuable Shipwreck
Located in tunnel behind Station Core
Valuable Shipwreck
Located inside a smaller asteroid, in a 'green fog'. Visible Mines around it. Should be at the roughly the same 'height' as puzzle 4.
Located behind sealed door, use Power Cores to open. Contains a Mainframe Expansion. The power cores can be found at two of the smaller outlaw structures.
Rigged Asteroid
Located on far side of map, on other side of 'parts' tunnel