Everspace Wiki

Disambig For perks in Everspace, see Perks.

Perks make a return in Everspace 2 in a slightly different form.

Adam has his own personal perks, and so do each of his companions - each having a different specialty. Adam's perks unlock as he levels up, while companion perks need to be unlocking by investing resources into them. Most perks are passive upgrades, but some have active effects.

Adam Roslin (Player Perks)[ | ]

Every five levels a set of three new Player Perks get unlocked. Only one perk can be chosen from each set, but it can be changed at no cost when docked.

Level Req. Perk Effect
5 ES2-Icon-ExitStrategy Exit Strategy Receive 25% reduced damage while boosting
ES2-Icon-CloseCall Close Call Instead of taking lethal damage a shield deploys that grants invincibility and lasts 10.0s. The ship must be docked to make the shield available again after use.
ES2-Icon-DefensiveMassacre Defensive Massacre Killing an enemy instantly triggers your shield recharge.
10 ES2-Icon-PercussiveMaintenance Percussive Maintenance Incoming direct armor or hull hits have a 10% chance to reduce a random device cooldown by 20%.
ES2-Icon-DowntimeWarrior Downtime Warrior Weapons require 15% less energy for each device that is on cooldown.
ES2-Icon-PlayItSafe Play it Safe Activating a warfare device adds 4 charges of Reactive Armor, negating the damage of the next 4 impacts for 5.0s.
15 ES2-Icon-ExcessiveForce Excessive Force Primary weapons deal 30% increased energy damage while your shield is fully charged.
ES2-Icon-CritHappens Crit Happens Critical hits have a 30% chance to create an explosion impact that damages the target and nearby enemies for 50% of the damage.
ES2-Icon-Relentless Relentless 20% increased weapon energy capacity for each installed warfare device.
20 ES2-Icon-UlteriorMotive Ulterior Motive 100% increased ULT generation while shield is depleted.
ES2-Icon-UnyieldingAssault Unyielding Assault Activating the ULT instantly repairs 50% of armor and removes all debuffs.
ES2-Icon-CriticalFaculty Critical Faculty Critical hits have a 30% chance to restore 1% ULT energy.
25 ES2-Icon-Retaliation Retaliation Reflects 30% of incoming damage back to your attackers.
ES2-Icon-Exploitation Exploitation 50% increased critical hit chance when attacking enemies whose movement is impaired.
ES2-Icon-Preparation Preparation Every second, gain 5% increased secondary weapon damage, stacking up to 6 times. Resets when taking damage.
30 ES2-Icon-RideTheLightning Ride the Lightning Killing an enemy while your shield is up creates a lightning orb that will circle your ship for 20.0s. Incoming attacks will consume the orb, damaging the attacker for ES2-Icon-Energy-Small 30% / ES2-Icon-Kinetic-Small 20% of your maximum shield capacity and applying 3.0s of EMP. Upon reaching the maximum of 5 orbs, gain unlimited boost energy and 30% increased fire rate.
ES2-Icon-Overkill Overkill After your ULT expires, your primary weapons remain charged with Ancient energy, increasing their damage by 20% and allowing them to pierce shields and armor. Up to 15.0s duration, depending on ULT energy spent.
ES2-Icon-SymphonyOfDestruction Symphony of Destruction Destroying an enemy with a critical hit causes their energy core to discharge and deal damage equivalent to ES2-Icon-Energy-Small 60% / ES2-Icon-Kinetic-Small 80% of their maximum hull in a large radius.

Companion Perks[ | ]

Each companion comes with a unique set of perks. They can be unlocked and upgraded by investing resources or completing certain tasks. Investing can be done at any time, in any increment, but cannot be undone.

Dax Bashar / Ben Grendal[ | ]

Ben inherits Dax's perks.

Perk Level Effect Requirements
1 Repair the station's reactor to restore power to all compartments and unlock further perks. Scrap Metal (11)
Aetheum Crystal (14)
Cooling Unit (1)
1 Pay only 70% for hull repairs. Credits (1,680)
Iron (30)
Scrap Metal (15)
Power Casing (6)
Cooling Unit (1)
2 Pay only 70% for equipment repairs. Credits (2,400)
Iron (75)
Scrap Metal (30)
Power Casing (12)
Supra Gel (7)
3 When below 30% of your max hull hitpoints, docking automatically repairs the hull up to that value for free. Credits (4,440)
Iron (120)
Pure Iron (30)
Power Casing (20)
Cooling Unit (3)
Tractor Beam
1 Increases the base tractor beam range to 800m. Credits (1,440)
Aetheum Crystal (40)
Iron (30)
Power Cell (5)
2 Allows you to pull multiple objects at once. Credits (3,360)
Aetheum Crystal (130)
Flawless Aetheum Crystal (12)
Wiring Kit (6)
Crystal Diode (7)
3 Increases the speed with which items are pulled. Credits (5,400)
Aetheum Crystal (200)
Supra Gel (20)
Power Cell (10)
Hadron Buffers (2)
Cruise Drive 1 Reduces the Cruise Drive activation delay down to 1.5s. Credits (2,500)
Crystal Diode (3)
Plasma (18)
2 Reduces the Cruise Drive activation delay down to 1.2s. Credits (8,000)
Hadron Buffers (4)
Crystal Diode (8)
Plasma (30)
3 Reduces the Cruise Drive activation delay down to 0.9s. Credits (15,000)
Power Unit HX-1 (8)
Crystal Diode (15)
Plasma (68)
Bio Procesor (4)

Delia Wendo[ | ]

Perk Level Effect Requirements
1 Doubles the repair speed of Nanobots. Credits (13,000)
Aetheum Crystal (40)
Charge Compensator (5)
2 Nanotech will also repair nearby allies. Credits (18,000)
Flawless Aetheum Crystal (15)
Charge Compensator (8)
Fusion Core (3)
3 Nanotech will also repair armor for half the amount. Credits (26,000)
Flawless Culver Crystal (15)
Charge Compensator (15)
Quantum Conductor (5)
Plasma (45)
Energy Orbs
1 Destroying ships will sometimes set free energy orbs that replenish some weapon and boost energy when collected. Credits (720)
Flawless Aetheum Crystal (20)
Supra Gel (3)
2 Energy orbs will also replenish some armor. Credits (1,200)
Copper (15)
Titanium (10)
Power Cell (15)
3 Energy orbs will also replenish some shield energy. Credits (1,860)
Crystal Diode (15)
Plasma (40)
Power Cell (5)
4 Destroying ships, especially Elites, will sometimes set free a rare orb that grants a little more weapon and boost energy, and a 20% increase to handling and ship speed for 10.0s. Credits (3,000)
Culver Crystal (45)
Mallemite Crystal (10)
Power Cell (12)
Supra Gel (6)
5 Energy orbs will move towards you from a greater distance. Credits (5,100)
Culver Crystal (20)
Plasma (14)
Heat Detector (8)
Supra Gel (15)
6 Rare orbs will also charge the ship's ULT. Credits (7,200)
Mallemite Crystal (42)
Flawless Mallemite Crystal (13)
Power Unit HX-1 (12)
Proton Capacitor (8)

HIVE[ | ]

Perk Level Effect Requirements
Autonomous Cargo Dispatcher
1 While in space, send excess cargo to your homebase. Made possible by self-propelled cargo compartments with cloaking technology. Power Cell (15)
Cooling Unit (7)
Dark Matter (7)
Neutron Membrane (7)
Mining Tracker
1 Reveals potential mining yields for each location on the star map. Credits (8,000)
Flawless Culver Crystal (6)
Neutron Membrane (5)
Heat Detector (3)
Startup Delays
1 Reduces the startup delay after equipping a secondary weapon or consumable to 20.0s. Credits (5,000)
Plasma (20)
Supra Gel (6)
2 Removes startup delays when not in combat. Credits (8,000)
Flawless Culver Crystal (14)
Culver Crystal (12)
Neutron Membrane (5)
3 Reduces the startup delay after equipping a secondary weapon or consumable to 15.0s. Credits (13,000)
Plasma (35)
Supra Gel (8)
Fission Controller (2)

Elek[ | ]

Perk Level Effect Requirements
Fire Support
1 The mighty Elek will occasionally jump in and help Adam to shoot down enemies (if he is in the mood). Credits (5,000)
Liquor (10)
2 Upgrade Elek's weapon to powerful Equalizers. Credits (7,000)
Any Equalizer (1)
3 Elek will also attack with EMP Missiles. Credits (9,000)
Any EMP Missiles (1)

Tareen[ | ]

Perk Level Effect Requirements
Storage Size
1 Homebase storage size increase to 60. Credits (8,000)
Scrap Metal (30)
Titanium (25)
Pure Titanium (3)
Wiring Kit (13)
2 Homebase storage size increase to 75. Credits (12,000)
Scrap Metal (55)
Titanium (41)
Pure Titanium (12)
Wiring Kit (26)
3 Homebase storage size increase to 100. Credits (18,000)
Scrap Metal (90)
Titanium (58)
Pure Titanium (22)
Wiring Kit (30)
Hangar Size
1 Expand the homebase hangar to hold 7 ships. Credits (10,000)
Insidium (10)
Crystal Diode (18)
Cooling Unit (6)
2 Expand the homebase hangar to hold 9 ships. Credits (25,000)
Insidium (20)
Crystal Diode (25)
Cooling Unit (15)
Quantum Conductor (2)
Ship Dealers
1 Increase the number of ships offered at Ship Dealers. Credits (8,000)
Culver Crystal (30)
2 Tareen convinces Marie de Windt to have a small amount of ships available for sale at The Flying Dutchess. Credits (12,000)
Titanium (45)
Solar Panels (12)
3 There is an alternate set of Passives for each ship. Credits (15,000)
Pure Insidium (15)
Particle Modulator (6)
4 Increase the selection of ships on The Flying Dutchess. Credits (18,000)
Pulse Mutator (6)
Charge Compensator (10)
Fusion Core (8)
5 The whole range of offered ships can be replaced once every 10 minutes. Credits (25,000)
Pure Baromite (8)
Dark Matter (15)
Tachyon Emitter (5)
Resistor Array (4)
6 Tareen convinces Kato to offer top-tier ships for sale at Kato Palace Credits (100,000)
Glacit (20)
Flawless Phazium Crystal (18)
Gauss Receptor (6)
Multiphase Propellant (4)
Resource Selling 1 Enables you to sell excess resources directly from the Crafting Resources tab. Credits (14,000)
Crystal Diode (6)
Hadron Buffers (3)

Khala[ | ]

Perk Level Effect Requirements
Spatial Bypass
1 Enables you to build Spatial Bypasses that allow you to quickly travel between systems. Spatial Bypass Component [Slab]
Spatial Bypass Component [Disk]
Spatial Bypass Component [Handle]
Spatial Bypass Component [Loop]
Spatial Bypass Component [Bulb]
Location Scanner
1 Reveals the completion ratio of a location on the star map. Credits (14,000)
Heat Detector (8)
Neutron Membrane (6)
2 Reveals how many and what type of secrets are still to be found for each location. Credits (25,000)
Heat Detector (14)
Neutron Membrane (8)
Echo Canceller (2)
Supra Vision 1 Reveals any remaining secrets in a location if most of its secrets have already been discovered. Credits (30,000)
Heat Detector (12)
Dark Matter (8)
Particle Modulator (3)