Shield Charge Drone
A consumable drone that continuously recharges your shield at a certain rate when close to your ship. Manufacturer: Okkar Fleet |
Class Restriction {{{classres}}} {{{classres2}}} {{{classres3}}} {{{classres4}}} Hull DPS {{{hulldps}}}/s Shield DPS {{{shielddps}}}/s Hull Damage {{{hulldmg}}} Shield Damage {{{shielddmg}}} Hull Area Damage {{{hullareadmg}}} Shield Area Damage {{{shieldareadmg}}} Fire Rate {{{firerate}}}/s Energy Consumption {{{energyconweap}}}/s Energy Consumption {{{energycon}}} Damage Per Energy {{{dmgxen}}} Velocity {{{speed}}}m/s Spread {{{spread}}}° Range {{{range}}}m Full Charge Duration {{{fullchdur}}}s Area Damage Range {{{areadmgrange}}}m Full Charge Damage Bonus {{{fullchdmgx}}}x Full Charge Add. Projectiles {{{fullchpro}}} Damage Increase +{{{dmginc}}}% Energy Consumption Increase +{{{energyconinc}}}% Energy Allocation {{{energyalloc}}} Hitpoints {{{hp}}} Recharge Rate {{{rechargerate}}}/s Recharge Delay {{{rechargedel}}}s Shutdown Duration {{{shutdowndur}}}s Cooldown Duration {{{cooldur}}}s Cooldown Duration Decrease -{{{cooldurdec}}}% Fire Rate Increase +{{{firerateinc}}}% Energy Consumption Decrease -{{{energycondec}}}% Hitpoints Increase +{{{hpincper}}}% Recharge Rate Increase +{{{rechrateinc}}}% Recharge Delay Decrease -{{{rechdeldec}}}% Shutdown Duration Decrease -{{{shutdowndurdec}}}% Resource Amount {{{resamt}}} Homing {{{homing}}} Effect {{{effect}}} Effect Duration {{{effectdur}}}s Repair Amount {{{repamt}}} Life Time {{{lifetime}}}s Critical Hit Chance Increase +{{{crithitchinc}}}% Velocity Increase +{{{speedinc}}}% Range Increase +{{{rangeinc}}}% Spread Decrease -{{{spreaddec}}}% Effect Duration Increase +{{{effectdurinc}}}% Jump Cooldown Increase +{{{jmpcooldinc}}}% Full Charge Damage Mulitplier {{{fullchdamx}}}x Success Chance {{{succha}}}% Nano Bot Drop Chance {{{nanodrop}}}% Max Stack Size {{{slotmax}}} Shield Piercing +{{{shieldpierce}}}% Conversion Percentage {{{convpercent}}}% Conversion Amount {{{convamt}}} Conversion Ratio {{{convratio}}}
Critical Hit Chance {{{crithit}}}% |
Required Resources Nano Bots {{{nanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{venergy}}} Scrap 15 Gel {{{gel}}} Compounds {{{compound}}} Power Cells {{{pcell}}} Processors {{{processor}}} Crystals {{{crystal}}} Gas 9 Ore {{{ore}}} Plasma 6 Dark Matter {{{dmatter}}} Dark Energy {{{denergy}}} |
Obtained Resources Nano Bots {{{salnanobot}}} Viridian Energy {{{salvenergy}}} Scrap 3 Gel {{{salgel}}} Compounds {{{salcompound}}} Power Cells {{{salpcell}}} Processors {{{salprocessor}}} Crystals {{{salcrystal}}} Gas 2 Ore {{{salore}}} Plasma {{{salplasma}}} Dark Matter {{{saldmatter}}} Dark Energy {{{saldenergy}}} |
A Shield Charge Drone is a consumable in Everspace that spawns a friendly drone that recharges the player's shields.
Tips and Tricks[ | ]
- Four come equipped in the Colonial Scout's B loadout and the Colonial Sentinel's B loadout.
- Okkar Corvettes can spawn with a few of the Okkar's version of these. Be sure to take them out first, or use a Drone Override.
- Drones will travel with the player to new zones and sectors.
Gallery[ | ]
Healing the player