Everspace Wiki

Supralight events are randomized locations that appear during travel in between system zones. They will show up near the player's current location with an accompanying audio ping. These locations are marked as either "Distress Call" or "Unknown Signal".

Possible events[ | ]

Distress Calls[ | ]

Distress calls involve some kind of assistance for a friendly ship or faction. These locations will reward the player with 50 renown and a substantial credit reward upon success.

  • Distress Call - Assist a freighter (G&B or Freelancer) currently under attack by Outlaws. Kill all Outlaws and make sure that the freighter stays alive.
  • Minesweeper - Clear several mines surrounding a freighter without destroying it, typically by approaching them one at a time and converting them with the Interact key before they explode.
  • Ship in Need - A friendly fighter or freighter is stranded and needs one nanotech item of a random type (Nanobots Small, Nanobots Medium or Nanobots Large). Fly up close and hold the interact key to transfer one from the current inventory.
  • Battle Support - The zone will have an ongoing battle between a friendly and hostile faction. Destroy all of the hostile faction's units before they do the same to the friendly faction to win. A bar will be shown at the top indicating the current status of the factions.

Unknown Signals[ | ]

Unknown Signals can mimic random Job missions, among other random events. However, there may not be an event at all, and the location will simply have some enemies, loot, and sometimes resource deposits.

  • Hidden Stash - Find and open the cloaked container. Follow the intermittent radar ping to find it.
  • Destroy the Outlaw Base - Destroy several turrets and structures on an Outlaw asteroid base in the zone, then destroy its core (if it has one). Afterwards, destroy an elite Outlaw heavy fighter that jumps in nearby for 50 renown.
  • Shooting Challenge - Elek will be in the midst of attacking several Outlaw ships. When he notices Adam jumping in, he turns it into a friendly competition. Take out more targets than Elek to win.
  • Trap - Take out a nearby signal emitter, along with two waves of outlaw fighters and drones, for 50 renown.
  • No Mission (Normal) - Adam or HIVE remarks on the area being rich in resources.
  • No Mission (Ambush) - A group of outlaws attacks immediately upon arrival.

Additional notes[ | ]

  • Locations in which supralight events take place generally consist of about 3 notable objects in total, with mission-relevant landmarks counting toward this total where applicable. Other notable objects that may appear include wreckage fields holding containers and shipwrecks, large asteroid clusters bearing resource deposits based on the region in which the event takes place, and G&B Freighter convoys with stray containers in the immediate vicinity.
  • Supralight events can be viewed and set as waypoints on the star map once they appear. However, only one event can be active at a time, the active event disappears upon leaving it or entering any non-event location, and event generation is disabled during voice transmissions.
  • Supralight event levels depend on the levels of the adjacent/nearby locations