Everspace Wiki


A wreck is your last clone's destroyed ship (if you died) in Everspace, or just a random shipwreck.

You can find it in maps marked with File:Icon Map Wreck.jpg once your Retrieval Perk is level 1. Once you level up that perk enough, you can salvage various resources and equipment from the wreckage.

Random shipwrecks

Throughout the sectors, you can also find random wreckages from deceased pilots. It is not marked with the Wreck icon, however. You can approach the wreck and scan the ship's logs, revealing several log entries from the pilot and rewarding some Credits, usually around $1,000 to $2,500 (depending on Difficulty and luck.

List of Log Entries

Most or all of these log entries were submitted by Kickstarter backers who pledged money for the €250 level or the €300 level, meaning there are at most 135 log entries. Below is an incomplete list of all log entries. If you find a new one, please add it!

Nico Broemson
Day 1

Flightschool is out after a hard slof! Still hungover after the graduation ceremony. Today is my first day as a freelance pilot! Now taking a look at spaceships in my price range.

Day 3

Nothing I've seen is to my liking - all with poor shielding or in bad repair. Not safe enough for what I'm planning to do!

Day 6

Okay, it's small, but cute. I had to haggle a bit for it, but it's the one I want. I wonder if I should give it a name? I know - Daisy!

Day 7

I am now the captain of my very own ship! Signed the contract this morning. Down-payment was transferred but I'll have to work the rest off. No hyperdrive, but, hey, there's room for improvements.

Day 18

Earning a living out here is harder than I expected. Small jobs keeping my busy, but I'll be in this system forever paying off the bills. I need a better plan, I must be more ambitious!

Day 27

Got an assignment which pays great, but my current employers are suspect, to say the least. No idea what I'm carrying, but whatevers in cargo is making a hell of a racket!

Day 47

The credits are pouring in! I'll have that hyperdrive in no time!

Day 56

I stayed at the station the whole day watching Daisy get her new Hyperdrive. Here goes my first jump!

Humphrey D. Feathershaw
Day 1

So here I am, Humphrey D. Feathershaw the Third, making his first grand voyage in space! Mummy said hauling cargo would be dangerous, but whenever I was around my Grand-papa's house he'd read me stories of the space pioneers and by Jove I'm determined to make it out here!

Day 19

Some ruffians hailed my ship today and demanded my cargo. I tried to reach and amicable agreement with them but they started firing! I was only saved by the kindness of a passing vessel. The whole experience has left me rather discombobulated...

Day 73

I... I killed someone! After my earlier experience, I had some weapons installed on the ship. I was attacked once again, but my superior equipment won me the fight, and his vessel was consumed in a ball of plasma flame. The strangest thing? I didn't feel bad about it. As his bio-sign faded on my scanner, I felt nothing at all other than the hum of my engine reminding me I needed to get my cargo delivered. Is this what life in space will always be like?

Day 569

Looking back on my early logbook entries gave me a good laugh. I don't bother with such frivolities anymore. I was such a noob back then! I must be up to, what, 50 ships destroyed by now. My ship resembles less of a freighter and more of a gunship than anything else. I walked into a bar yesterday on some dive of a station and the other patrons avoided making eye-contact out of sheer terror. I've made quite a name for myself. If fear is the only currency going in this hellish corner of space, I've made a good investment.

Simon Talon, mercenary for hire
Day 14

It's been two weeks sicne I made my last jump. I should have dished out the extra credits for the fuel but it's too late now. Food supplies are starting to dwindle. I think I have another week's worth of rations left. If there's one thing I learned in the army, it was to make supplies stretch. I'm not the only one stranded in this sector. I found a ship with an outlaw. The weapons systems were damaged on both of our ships, so we just talked. He hasn't told me his name yet, I haven't told him mine either, but he has been trying to convince me to salvage both of our ships so that we can meet up with some friends of his.

Day 17

As of late I have been considering his offer, maybe I'll join the Outlaws. There's good money in it and I could always use the extra credits. I'm going to talk to him about it today.

Day 20

Today's the day. We've spent the last two days salvaging what we can and we're ready to make the jump. It's a little bit cramped but if what he's promising is true, there will be enough food and credits for both of us, but as a safety measure I've rigged up the ship to blow if my vitals drop. Though I expect to make another logbook entry soon, until then, Simon Talon signing off, for now.

Lt. Maxwell
Finally some time to update my logbook. That's not because I got so much to tell but it seems I got stuck in this system. Bought this ship in a neighboring system for my collection but it seems that it's really crappy! My hyper drive broke down again and - BAM! Here I am. I managed to shoot down some attackers, they called themselves Outlaws... witty bunch of guys! Seen one, seen 'em all!

Anyhow, controls became inoperative and I had to call this tentacle-waggling friend of mine to get me out of here. I hope he comes soon! Got a large supply of implants on board that needs to be delivered...

Captain Julien Kessler
Personal Log (FINAL ENTRY):

Hi Maggie, I don't have much time. I was attacked by a swarm of outlaws, and I beat them off, but they got enough of me too. I can't leave the system, and I'm sure they'll be back with reinforcements.

Please know that I fought like hell to get back to you, to hold you, and that I'll continue to fight to the last.

I hope this message reaches you so that you'll know I didn't despair. I'm thinking of the weekend at Lake Louise, never making it out of the hotel room. The way your hair smells like Autumn during a fall dig. And your smirk, wondering when I'll crack as you go on about the composition of such and such rock.

Thank you for rescuing that nervous girl at her first off-world bar. For making me laugh like no one else can. For making me feel like I belong. For being my home. These last 7 years were everything to me. I love you, Maggie. I love you.


Lt. Arthur T. Burns
Day 15:

Something must have hit the shield generator during the last hyper jump. Had to dismantle the plasma cannon for some spare parts. Now the shield works again like a charm.

Day 21:

There is no logical explanation why the damn exterior hull is constantly losing integrity. Seems my only chance is to assemble a repair drone. I'm only missing a few components.

Day 26:

After some desperate days of search I have finally found the reason for the structural decay. Some sort of parasite has infested the lower hull parts. I think I will need some fire. Preparing a fusion discharge...

Joyce Tenner
Finally! My very own space ship. About time, too! I don't want to sit in Aleen's jalopy anymore, listening to her brag about those plushy control sticks or her annoying new boyfriend. Uhh... he works at Aeterna, he makes so much credits. Aeterna my BOTTOM [censored / HIVE]! She'll never know what it's like to work her BOTTOM [censored / HIVE] off for her own things! That's why I didn't take her along for today's joyride. That and Anthony! Oh, Anthony! I met him on Spacebook and he seemed so nice and he was so interested in my new ship, what a great guy! Today I will meet him! He wrote me that I should come alone, I think it's going to be romantic! He sent me the coordinates and I'm gonna be on my way soon! Oh what a joy! He said he'd welcome me with all he got. And that's exactly what I need right now! See, Aleen? Who's the FEMALE DOG [censored / HIVE] now?